Greeting Card with Birds and Angels, around 1900, Congratulations Ticket Unknown (19th Century)

Greeting Card with Birds and Angels, around 1900, Congratulations Ticket Unknown (19th Century)
Greeting Card with Birds and Angels, around 1900, Congratulations Ticket Unknown (19th Century)
Greeting Card with Birds and Angels, around 1900, Congratulations Ticket Unknown (19th Century)
Greeting Card with Birds and Angels, around 1900, Congratulations Ticket Unknown (19th Century)

Greeting Card with Birds and Angels, around 1900, Congratulations Ticket Unknown (19th Century)

Engeln, um 1900, Glückwunschbillet Unbekannt 19. §25a UStG, Kunstgegenstände/Sonderregelung Kostenloser Versand innerhalb Deutschlands. Gestanzt und geprägt mit Blumen, Vögeln und Engeln, um 1900, Chromolithographie, um 1900, Glückwunschbillet. Grußkarte mit einem Arrangement aus Blumen, Engeln und Vögeln.

An der vorderen Klappseite mit Schriftzug "Herzlichen Glückwunsch". Mittig unterhalb mit kleinem Etikett mit dem ungarischen Schriftzug "Boldog ujevet" - Fröhliches Neujahr.

Größe: Papier: 17.8 cm x 10.8 cm, Weitere Maße: Tiefe (aufgeklappt): 5,4 cm. Die Karte hat sich altersgemäß minimal verfärbt. Unknown (19th century), Elaborately designed greeting card Die-cut and embossed with flowers, birds and angels, circa 1900, chromolithography, c. Technique: Congratulations billet on Paper. Description: Greeting card with an arrangement of flowers, angels and birds.

On the front flap with the inscription "Herzlichen Glückwunsch". In the centre below with small label with the Hungarian writing "Boldog ujevet" - Happy New Year. Keywords: 20th century, Biedermeier, Fashion, Germany. Size: Paper: 17.8 cm x 10.8 cm (7 x 4.3 in), additional specification: Depth (unfolded): 5.4 cm.

Missing parts (forget-me-nots) at the front part of the opened map. The map has discoloured minimally due to its age. Further states and countries may be included in this procedure.

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Greeting Card with Birds and Angels, around 1900, Congratulations Ticket Unknown (19th Century)

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